Though BLACKPINK‘s Rosé can melt everyone with her scorching hot visuals…
…she’s still a fluffball underneath. Her online broadcasts, in particular, are goldmines for BLINKs! Her hilarious personality comes out when she’s relaxing with fans.
One of Rosé’s lamest jokes that showed off her endearing nature was told in an August 7 Instagram Live broadcast. After discussing the weather and other simple questions, one fan asked her, “Joke, please?”
Rosé initially had none in mind. Being put on the spot did not make things any easier for her!
I don’t know any jokes…I don’t know any jokes. Like, not one.
— Rosé
She persevered, however, taking the request seriously.
Finally, she told one of the oldest jokes in the book: a knock knock joke.
Knock knock. Who’s there?
— Rosé
She then proceeded to recite a pun on the words “who” and “hoo”.
Boo! Boo who? Aww…don’t cry!
— Rosé
After giggling a little at herself, Rosé hid her forehead in embarrassment as if she were questioning all of her life choices.
Despite its simplicity, it was a good try that showed off her adorable and accommodating personality. If a BLINK asks for something, Rosé will do her best to deliver!
Catch the full video below!