Friendship overcomes all barriers! 28-day-old orphan bear cub, just rescued, makes friends with chimpanzees and cuddles in a series of adorable photos

A 28-day-old bear cub has made friends with a chimpanzee at a zoo in Turkey.

The young cub named Boncuk was brought to Gaziantep Zoo as a гeѕсᴜe animal after being transported to the country illegally.

Adorable images show Boncuk ɩoсked in an embrace with chimpanzee Can. Others show the unlikely friends playing together.

Boncuk was one of a number of гeѕсᴜe animals brought to the zoo over the past month.

Other гeѕсᴜe animals include ten parrots, 38 snakes, ten flamingos, 40 peacocks, 28 pheasants, 15 reptiles, two iguanas and 15 ducks.

28-day bear cub 'Boncuk', a new resident of the Gaziantep Zoo, is seen with his friend Chimpanzee named 'Can' for socialising in Gaziantep, Turkey

28-day bear cub ‘Boncuk’, a new resident of the Gaziantep Zoo, is seen with his friend Chimpanzee named ‘Can’ for socialising in Gaziantep, Turkey

Adorable images show Boncuk locked in an embrace with Chimpanzee Can. Others show the unlikely friends playing together

Adorable images show Boncuk ɩoсked in an embrace with Chimpanzee Can. Others show the unlikely friends playing together

Heartwarming images show the unlikely friendship formed between the rescue bear cub and Chimpanzee

Heartwarming images show the unlikely friendship formed between the гeѕсᴜe bear cub and Chimpanzee

Boncuk was one of a number of rescue animals brought to the zoo over the past month

Boncuk was one of a number of гeѕсᴜe animals brought to the zoo over the past month

Rescue bear cub Boncuk and Chimpanzee Can are pictured playing and having fun with each other at the zoo in Turkey on Monday

гeѕсᴜe bear cub Boncuk and Chimpanzee Can are pictured playing and having fun with each other at the zoo in Turkey on Monday

The Zoo official feeds 28-day bear cub 'Boncuk', a new resident of the Gaziantep Zoo, in Gaziantep, Turkey on April 5

The Zoo official feeds 28-day bear cub ‘Boncuk’, a new resident of the Gaziantep Zoo, in Gaziantep, Turkey on April 5

28-day bear cub 'Boncuk', a new resident of the Gaziantep Zoo, is seen with his friend Chimpanzee named 'Can' for socialising in Gaziantep, Turkey on April 5

28-day bear cub ‘Boncuk’, a new resident of the Gaziantep Zoo, is seen with his friend Chimpanzee named ‘Can’ for socialising in Gaziantep, Turkey on April 5

The young cub named Boncuk was brought to Gaziantep Zoo as a rescue animal after being transported to the country illegally

The young cub named Boncuk was brought to Gaziantep Zoo as a гeѕсᴜe animal after being transported to the country illegally

Boncuk and Can are pictured together at the zoo as they are monitored by a zoo keeper

Boncuk and Can are pictured together at the zoo as they are monitored by a zoo keeper

28-day bear cub 'Boncuk', a new resident of the Gaziantep Zoo, is seen in Gaziantep, Turkey on Monday

28-day bear cub ‘Boncuk’, a new resident of the Gaziantep Zoo, is seen in Gaziantep, Turkey on Monday

Boncuk, pictured above, was one of a number of rescue animals brought to the zoo over the past month

Boncuk, pictured above, was one of a number of гeѕсᴜe animals brought to the zoo over the past month

Boncuk, a new resident of the Gaziantep Zoo, is seen with his friend Chimpanzee named 'Can'. Boncuk was one of a number of rescue animals brought to the zoo over the past month

Boncuk, a new resident of the Gaziantep Zoo, is seen with his friend Chimpanzee named ‘Can’. Boncuk was one of a number of гeѕсᴜe animals brought to the zoo over the past month

Rescue bear cub Boncuk, a new resident of the Gaziantep Zoo, is seen with his friend Chimpanzee named 'Can'

гeѕсᴜe bear cub Boncuk, a new resident of the Gaziantep Zoo, is seen with his friend Chimpanzee named ‘Can’

Young bear cub Boncuk is pictured sitting on the grass at the zoo in Turkey, with a bottle of milk placed nearby

Young bear cub Boncuk is pictured sitting on the grass at the zoo in Turkey, with a bottle of milk placed nearby

28-day bear cub 'Boncuk', a new resident of the Gaziantep Zoo, is seen in Gaziantep, Turkey on April 5

28-day bear cub ‘Boncuk’, a new resident of the Gaziantep Zoo, is seen in Gaziantep, Turkey on April 5

Boncuk is a rescue bear cub who was taken in by the zoo after being transported into the country illegally. Above, Boncuk is pictured on April 5

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