These are the follow up stories that I live/love to write. The “happy tail” endings that warm the heart and remind us there IS good in the world. It may only be in the form of a tiny kitten that needs to be saved. But it happens all the time…thankfully! And now it is time for the next chapter for little Archie; the kitten rescued from a woman biting him on the neck.
Because once Kitten Lady got a hold of Archie, he was able to overcome his trauma and has now found his forever home!
Archie’s story began in Southern California back in September.
Baffled bystanders at a local park watched as the woman began biting the tiny kitten. Thankfully one caring human bravely approached the woman, intervening to stop the horror. They rushed the injured kitten to the closest animal hospital to treat the wound.
The rescue contacted local animal advocate and rescuer, Kitten Lady, a.k.a. Hannah Shaw. She and her fiancee Andrew Marttila, “I Am The Cat Photographer”, have saved numerous lives and were up for the challenge.
In Hannah’s experienced care, Archie slowly healed from the horrific wound.
But his scar was NOT only skin deep, the sweet kitten initially showed signs of mental trauma from the incident. Flash forward to now, and his small scar finally has some hair growth around it. And someday it will only be a horrible memory for all but Archie, who will be busy living his best life.
Sudden sounds can really terrify him. And, he can be intense with food. It’s like he wants the food so badly that his jaw clamps down in anticipation of needing to hold on tight to it, but this prevents him from getting any food into his mouth to begin with. Every meal I have to sit with him and calm him down, just trying to get him to relax and know that food is ample and always will be.
With their love though, soon Archie transformed into a fun-loving and playful little kitten, easily earning the love of Hannah’s social media followers.
Not only is he a hit with the humans though, he seems to be a friend to all!
Archie is being groomed for the first time in his tinyman life and he’s not so sure about having his toebeans done.
And then in the blink of an eye, or so it seems, adoption day arrived!
It was November 6th that Kitten Lady announced that Archie had found his forever home. Even better news is that he does have an Instagram account @archiethecatandfriends so his fans can get their “fix”.
And there are plenty of them considering it was started on Halloween this year, and he ALREADY HAS OVER 25k FOLLOWERS!
Apparently he is a big fan of their teenage daughter and the two have quite a bit in common likely. I know I was not a fan of homework at that age either.
That includes the introductions of Archie to his new siblings Trixy (Calico) and Larry (pup). We can’t wait to see the photos and videos of the trio in the future!
Thank you so so much to Hannah and her fiancee Andrew for fostering Archie. And to his new human servants for welcoming him into their hearts and homes. This was a miracle story to follow and the world is better with all those involved in saving this one little kitten.
Photo Series: Instagram @iamthecatphotographer